Hugo Sacchetti
Hugo is a French composer and guitarist based in Paris.
After studying composition and arrangement at the American School of Modern Music, he attends Paris and Montreuil conservatories where he hones his skills and increases his knowledge alongside renowned musicians such as Pierre Bertrand, Stéphane Payen, Denis Guivarc’h et Marc Ducret.
Passionate about music from all around the world, Hugo spends one year in Cuba. He is welcomed at the National Institute of Arts (ISA) of La Havana.
There, he meets many musicians, with whom he plays, produces and records.
Back in France, he joins live music projects ranging from the duo (Sacchetti-Sakakibara) to the Big Band (FSO-Stépane Payen).
Hugo is also specialized in composing and arranging film scores. He is currently working on the documentary short films series «Petites Chroniques Urbaines».
Hugo's work as
Hugo's music projects
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